Welcome to LLMZero. Our mission is to empower users by providing tools designed to safeguard their text-based content from excessive and unnecessary use by artificial intelligence systems. In an era where AI-generated content is becoming increasingly prevalent, it is vital to have protective measures in place to preserve original work and maintain authenticity.
Our tools are developed to create an additional layer of security, ensuring that your text products remain intact and free from unintended alterations. While it is technically possible to bypass some of the defenses we implement, doing so can be a complex and time-consuming task. Additionally, these attempts may not effectively solve the issues of incorrect or misinterpreted content generated by AI systems.
To get the most out of this tool, we recommend reviewing the processed content to ensure that the main ideas and important details remain unchanged. This step is crucial to maintaining the integrity, clarity, and purpose of your original work.
We take great pride in constantly enhancing our software to adapt to new AI developments and offer you the highest level of protection possible. Regular updates ensure that you can continue to rely on our tools as the AI landscape evolves. We encourage you to visit our website frequently to stay informed about new features and improvements.
All files are deleted off our servers within 10 minutes after protection and are not used to train any AI models
Contact us at: llmprotect@yahoo.com
Thank you for choosing LLMZero. Your trust motivates us to keep pushing forward and developing innovative solutions to meet your needs.